Espression Arts in the Community
Who are Espression Arts?
Espression Arts CIC (Founded in Sept 2017) evolved out of Espression Arts Cafe (Founded in 2005) because we believe arts and creativity can really make a difference to peoples lives and wellbeing.
We want to give everyone opportunity to be creative, have fun and join with others to try out new arts and crafts for themselves.
What can we offer you?
We pack up our special workshops and bring the creativity to you in the following ways:
1 - We deliver our own workshops in specialist sheltered housing locations for older people.
2 - We build partnerships with other organisations to work with their communities, older people, refugees, veterans and ex service people, children and their families.
3 - We offer a range of fun workshops, kits and experiences for people to book, including hen parties, birthday parties, school projects and events.
4 - Recruitment and support of our wonderful Creative Volunteer Team who come with us to help engagement of our communities.
How we deliver?
As a social enterprise many of our projects are funded by our partners through local grant programs but all profits made through sold parties, pop-up workshops and experiences goes towards making workshops free to those who need them for their mental health and wellbeing.
For more information about how Espression Arts CIC can work with you and your group, contact